Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This works on Women AND on Men.

Too many people are afraid of what others think of them.  Sure it's important for others to think nice things of you.  Why do they?  It's because of your actions.  Don't let your actions fool others.

Self control is one of the most important lessons you'll learn in life.  Like when you first were learning to ride a bicycle.  You were excited and thought you could ride away.  You also probably crashed during that ride too.

It's good to go in with a game plan, everything else follows suit.  Granted you have self control.

If I'm going out with a girl I ask myself a few questions:

How did our relationship begin?
How interested am I in her and why?
How interested is she and why?
What type of situation is it going to be (casual, dating, friends)?
What is our common ground?

This small assessment takes a few seconds and provides me with the direction I need.

Now, it's also about compromise.  I'll buy us a drink, you buy us a drink. 50/50.  If she giving 30%, she's not for me.  I make sure to practice what I preach.  I'm all about equal effort and keeping it spicy, simple, and fun.

It's about giving and mirroring.  If I'm excited and smiling about something, chances are you'll be too.  If I'm pissed and negative, it's probably not going to get you excited and smiling.

My point:  Radiate positive energy, have a plan, be honest, and stick to it!  It all goes back to Simple and Fun.   People will respect you, especially those you are trying to date.

Remember the saying "It's the SIMPLE things in life".

50% Logic, 50% Emotion.  If it doesn't make sense, it's most likely not going to feel right.


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